Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quilted Coasters

Quilted Coasters are pretty easy to make and they are useful. I like to practice my quilting by making small projects like this one.
Let's get started!
What you'll need:
2 complementary fabrics 12in x.18in
12in. x 18in of low to medium batting
Matching Embroidery Thread
Regular all purpose thread

Really you could do so many interesting things with your coasters. Mine are relatively simple. I started with an embroidered fabric on one side and a linen light tan fabric on the other.
1.  You want to cut all your pieces out, 6 front fabric, 6 back fabric and
6 batting pieces. Cut all of them 6in. x 6in.
2.  This is optional, I quilted the linen side of my fabric because It was plain and I wanted to add a little something to it. So I made an x from corner to corner ( you cant see it to well in the picture ) with the iron, you can use a washable pencil if you want.I then pinned the linen fabric to the batting and sewed them together using the x in the middle as my guide.
3. Now we are going to sew all the pieces together,  front and back pieces will face each other ( sew rt side to rt side) the batting will be on the outside it really doesn't matter witch fabric it is facing. Leave an opening large enough to pull the fabric through to the rt side once you are done sewing.
4. Pull the fabric through to the right side making sure to push the corners out really well ( careful not to tear the fabric).
5.  Hand sew the open end shut ( do your best to hide the opening by sewing on the inside of the open ended fabric).
6.  Embroider the the edges using the Embroidery Thread. And your done! 

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