Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Making a Babies Blanket with a Ruffle

We still have this blanket! It's gorgeous but my daughter still hangs on to the first blanket I ever made for her, which is now, 7yrs later, falling apart. This one may become the cat's new bed, she enjoys it's softness :)

Babies Blanket with Ruffle

Please read and have a basic understanding of the directions before you get started!

3 Yards of  fabric (fabrics come in different widths, keep this in mind when you choose your fabric.
The larger the width size the larger the blanket will turn out.)
-1 yd. Front, 1 yd. Back, 1 yd  Ruffle

1 yd Batting (choose batting thickness of your choice, if fabric is thick you may not want to use it)

Thread to match fabric

Step 1.  Cut your fabrics and batting.
1 yard for the front, 1 yard for the back, 1 yard of batting to match the size of the fabrics

The ruffle a little harder to do!
Measure 6 in. wide for the ruffle strips. Cut as many as you can from the yard that you have.
Sew all the strip ends together (pattern sides together!) making one long strip! Iron the strip in half, lengthwise. So that the ruffle is now 3 in. wide with the pattern side showing  on both sides.  Great!

Step 2. Sew on the ruffle!
Choose one of the blanket sides to sew the ruffle onto.

This part is very important!
Sew the ruffle - bottom side (the side without the fold) - onto the Pattern Side of the Blanket Fabric. Sew the ruffle all the way around the blanket.
Make sure you gather the material as you sew! This is what gives it the ruffle look. You can do this a few different ways. Here are a few different ways to create the folds in the ruffle.
1. pin a fold in the ruffle every in. or two in. and sew over the fold
2.  as you sew push the fabric under the needle to create folds, sew over the folds. Make sure you don’t create too many folds or you will go through too much fabric and end up needing more to finish the blanket.

Step 3. Put the pieces together and pin.
Very Important!
1. Place the two blanket sides together with the patterns facing each other. The ruffle should be laying flat between them.
2. Lay the batting on top.
3. Pin together for sewing. Should be, blanket side with ruffle on bottom facing up. Blanket side without ruffle facing down. Batting on top.
Make sure your fabrics are in order or it won’t turn out right when you turn the blanket right side out. 

Step 4. Sew all the pieces together!
Sew around the entire blanket, leaving 6 in. to 8 in. un-sewn.
I like to choose a spot in the middle of one of the sides. Since you will sew this by hand once the blanket has been turned. Make sure to pull out every pin !

Step 5.  Turn right side out.
Through the part you left un-sewn, put your hand in between the two pieces if fabrics. Grab the furthest corner and pull out, keep pulling until the blanket is right side out.

Step 6.  Sew the part left un-sewn
Make sure you turn the edge without the ruffle under when you sew this part together! You can sew this by hand or with the sewing machine. All done!

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