About Me

Hi, my name is Vikki. I have a passion for crafting although I don't have nearly enough time to work on all the projects I would like to. Someday I hope to have a lot of extra time just to make things,. I would be very happy! At the moment I am first a mommy to a special little girl named Savannah, she is so sweet and she keeps me on my toes! I also work as a Massage Therapist part time, which I really enjoy doing. I also sell some of my projects on Etsy, if you aren't familiar with the website it's an amazing site for crafters and definitely a must see.

* If you would like to visit my Etsy Store the website address is:  http://www.etsy.com/shop/makingitfun

I'm always looking for a new craft to make, because I really enjoy the finished product. Its a lot of fun to have stuff you've made laying around the house, and you get to use fabrics that really speak to you. My goal as a crafter is to eventually become a quilter. I'm working on it :)

I decided to start a Blog so that I could share my work with other crafters and also to have a little fun. I truly hope you can leave my Blog with some new ideas or even  just a peaked interest in making a craft for the first time. I hope to always bring something new to introduce to you. If you have questions or you would like me to introduce something specific, ask me and I will definitely look in to it for you. Please email me and sign up as a follower so that I can send you my latest project. Thanks so much for visiting my Blog. Have a great Day! 

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