Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How to Make a Crayon Roll

Crayon Rolls are sooo useful. I give them away as gifts all the time and my daughter has a few of them. She takes them anywhere she takes a travel bag. It's just great to have crayons so easily packaged and you know they aren't going to fall out and go everywhere.

This is what you will need:

2 strips of fabric @ 5 x 16 ½ and 1 strip of fabric @ 6 x 16 ½

light weight fusible interfacing, 1 strip @ 5 x 16 ½

30 inches of ribbon

16 ct. crayons

1st -  find two fabrics that you know your child will love and adore.

2nd - Cut two pieces of fabric (the same fabric) 5×16 ½ inches (for the outside and the inside) and one strip of light weight fusible interfacing 5 x 16 ½ .

3rd - Cut a strip of fabric 6 x 16 ½ and fold it in half lengthwise with the wrong sides together, then iron. This will be your crayon pocket.

4th - Iron the interfacing to the wrong side of the 5 x 16 ½ piece of fabric you are going to use for the inside of the crayon roll.

5th - Mark your measurements on the folded piece of fabric (I like to use chalk). The measurements will be 1 ¼ inch on each side of crayon roll and 1 inch in between. Each crayon will be placed vertical with a one inch space.

6th - Line up the bottom edges of the folded piece (make sure measurements are showing) and the piece with interfacing, pin together. Sew the two pieces together starting with the first 1 ¼ measurement and only going to the top of the pocket fold and backstitching at the top to reinforce. Continue to sew the lines one inch apart across the pocket. You will have 1 ¼ inch on each side.

7th - Fold the ribbon in half and pin it to the edge of – the right side and – in the middle – of the fabric just sewn.

8th - Pin the last 5 x 16 ½ piece of fabric, right sides together to the other 5 x 16 ½ piece fabric just sewn and sew all the way around leaving a 3 inch space to turn right side out.

9th - Trim the corners and turn right side out. Iron flat, making sure to tuck in the edges of the unsewn piece. Then top stitch the unsewn piece together making sure opening is stitched together well.

Finally! Place your crayons in each space. I have found that two crayons will fit into each space if you want to add more crayons to your roll.

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